Monday, November 2, 2015

Drink your Greens!

My product spotlight tonight is 
It Works! Greens. 

Not eating all of the fruits and veggies that you should? Not a fan of certain ones? Feeling sluggish and off balance? Want more energy to get through your day? 


Help detoxify, alkalize and energize your body with every glass of Greens, now with an even better pH-balancing blend that includes an acidity-fighting combination of magnesium and potassium for even more alkalizing properties. 

New added probiotic support helps you better maintain that healthy balance by keeping your digestive system regular and toxins flowing out.

With multiple servings of fruits and vegetables and a blend of 38 herbs and nutrient-rich superfoods, Greens provides naturally occurring, bioavailable vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and enzymes to give your already well-balanced diet a nutritional boost. It’s maximum support for your best health, all in a sweet brrry or tangy orange flavor.

  • Detoxify, alkalize, and promote pH balance within the body
  • Acidity-fighting magnesium and potassium blend
  • Cutting-edge probiotic support for digestive health
  • 38 herbs and nutrient-rich superfoods
  • Multiple servings of fruits and vegetables in every scoop
  • Free radical-fighting antioxidants
  • Sweet Berry or Tangy orange flavor

Just in time for our not so favorite season. Cold & Flu season.

***My Tip...***

My favorite flavor is the Berry. I like to add to my green smoothie in the morning or to any juice. It can be drank by its self as well. But I need the extra flavor. 

 Made with natural ingredients. In fact you will never believe what is in those 2 tiny scoops! Check it out!


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

No Gallbladder? Why Fat Fighters!

So I've talked about πŸ’šFat FightersπŸ’š before. I'm talking about it again because it is my FAVORITE product that we have.
I've tried so many things since I got my gallbladder removed. No one tells you that you trade in the horrible pain you get when you eat fatty foods you get other issues to deal with. Now don't get me wrong the pain was horrible. It is suffering. But there are days when you have to map out and plan around where bathrooms are going to be. The urgent diarrhea is horrible. πŸ˜―πŸ˜–

So when my sister introduced me to what I consider a LIFE CHANGING product called Fat Fighters from It Works my life really did change. My first time taking them was in San Diego on a vacation. We were going to be out site seeing all day and I was freaking out a little because vacation eating is not well planned out or easily changed in a large group. And more importantly I didn't know where all the bathrooms would be. My sister gave me 2 Fat Fighters and in the morning and I was off. I kid you not. No problems. Not one. I had a hamburger for lunch people!! No immediate diarrhea! No stomach cramps! It had to be a fluke right?! Wrong! I take my FAT FIGHTERS daily and if I have something to eat that my body would normally be surging to much bile to my stomach and sending me running to the bathroom, I can now live life with a more normal digestive system. Please give it a try. Especially if your gallbladder has been removed. I hope you can get the help that I have from It Works Fat Fighters!

*go to FREE Sample post to request a FREE Sample. 

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Join my Team get a bonus!πŸ’š

*** 3 Days Only*** 

Join my team between October 26th-October 29th, and get a BONUS in you start-up kit!! A BOX of WOW!!πŸ’š

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

***Tripple Threat***

I have 5 spots in October for the Triple ⚡️ Threat Challenge!

Greens that provide 8 servings of fruits & veggies!

ThermoFit to boost metabolism, burn  nearly 300 calories per pill, & curb appetite.
Fat Fighters for those cheat meals to help keep you from gaining weight.

***And the first 3 people to sign up✅ as a Loyal Customer with me and get the Triple Threat regimen get a FREE WRAP!***

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Really It Works **SPOTLIGHT**

Really IT WORKS!

It's a naturally based Anti-stress formula supplement that Improves:
  • Mental focus & concentration
  • Helps the body cope with physical stress
  • Provides energy and reduces fatigue
  • Helps restore body balance.
I take a prescription depression and a prescription anxiety medication on a daily basis. I need it to function. I've been on it for several years. I started taking CONFIANZA just adding it to my daily regimen. Not taking away any of my prescriptions. Just adding it. I have felt better. It makes you feel more clear. When I get run down I feel what I call foggy. I feel physically run down. Mentally run down. My perception of everything is foggy. But this just gives you a boost to get above the fog. As a mom of 2 boys if it only did this for me I'd be happy. 

But it does MORE! So I have SVT a type of heart rhythm disorder. Out of the blue my heart will start racing like up to 180-210 beats per minute. Yea not so fun. So when it finally chills out sometimes hours later my body feels like it has literally just ran a marathon. MY heart did. I am wiped out. Even to just move around hurts and takes everything inside of me to do so. I just want to sleep. Well I had an episode about a week ago and my sister hands me two CONFIANZA tablets. Hey its worth a try. No joke. I start snapping out of the fatigue. My body is not aching. and with in an hour I felt like I had energy and could function. Really?! Usually I have to take a 4 hour nap, I hurt all over and feel heavy for the rest of the day. Oh and zero chest tightness. That may be the worst feeling I've ever felt in my life. I feel like I can take a deep enough breath or catch my breath. It's miserable! But none of that happened. This stuff has changed my life! I know I said that about FAT FIGHTERS too, but it really has. 

Good for kids too!! My 8 year old nephew takes it now to help with his anxiety and mood. My Sister says he is a whole new kid on it! He can go to school (which is the first battle) and make it through the day! If something new or stressful is coming up he can now get through it or not even stress now! 

Monday, October 5, 2015


***Wrap Blitz*** $25 Wrap

***I will come to you or send it to you free shipping!***


With 4 ***Wrap Blitz Referrals*** you can get a wrap for
Tell them to mention your name!!

Click on Bottle for more information.

Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog! My name is Jen. I am married to my sweetheart Jake. We have 2 boys, Dakota and Cooper. They are the loves of my life. I decided to jump into this journey with     It Works! to get my life more Healthy and Happy.
My favorite products are by far the FAT FIGHTER! I had my gallbladder removed 9 years ago. My digestive system has be CrAzY ever since. There are certain foods that I have just learned to live with out. But with theFAT FIGHTERS I can enjoy a garden salad again! They are worth their results in gold! I would love to share with you more about these awesome products and show you how that can change your life!