I’ve been asked if you have had gastric bypass surgery would you have success using the It Works Ultimate Body Applicator and the answer is definitely!  The Body Applicator works to locally tone tighten and firm specific areas of the body and can be placed anywhere!  If you have had gastric bypass surgery or just want to tighten loose skin the applicator can help! 

The lady in this picture had bypass surgery and lost over 60 pounds resulting in sagging skin on her upper arms.  This picture is after using only one body wrap.  She was so excited by the results she purchased a box of 4 so she can continue to wrap her arms!  Using our Defining Gel in between wraps will help improve your results.
Ultimate Body Applicator isn’t a gimmick and isn’t water loss.   In fact, it’s better to drink more water while using the body wrap!  Ideally you should drink at least 8 ounces of water while wearing the wrap and at least 64 ounces per day over the next 3 days to maximize your results. 

This was after one wrap!  Imagine the confidence she has now!  Imagine the progress results after she uses the entire box of 4 wraps!  I can’t wait for more pictures of her.  You don’t need skin fold surgery, just the It Works Body Wrap!

To get the best results I recommend to LIMIT or if possible STAY AWAY FROM for the 72 hour period: Alcohol, Caffeine, Coffee, Tea, or Diet Sodas, Salty foods, Fatty or fried foods, Sugary snacks or desserts, and Smoking
What if nothing happens? Although most people begin to see improvements after the first application some may take 3 – 4 applications to achieve results.  Those who are on medication and/or have a toxic system (i.e., are not regular with bowel movements) may fit into this category.  You may want to use the NEW Cleanse or Regular and/or Greens to help cleanse your system before wrapping again.